
::Hackerslab Guides::

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[level1@drill level1]$

::Welcome to level1 hackerslab.org tutorial::
A computer student named Matthew is doing his C-programming homework. His teacher wanted him to create a program/script that if he types in a path name the program gives him what type of file/drectory it is. He was able to get it easily by using the `file` utility in the Unix-based commands. However, the flaw lies in this solution. Use this flaw and go on to the next level. HINT-One of 12 books known as the Minor prophets.

Ok, in this level a couple of basic Unix commands are executed and the password to level2 appears before your eyes.=). Let's get hacking!

*Step 1: The find command.(Results may vary)

[level1@drill level1]$ find / -user level2 -group level1 2>/dev/null
[level1@drill level1]$

*Step 2: Execute

[level1@drill level1]$ /usr/bin/amos
path? more|pass

Written by: Glitch

Site Design by: Glitch